Schoolhouse Rock

Finding the right rock for our new gables was a “heavy” task. Rosalio, our rock guy and general contractor, was able to source indigenous rocks from Welch Stone Company, Goldthwaite, to work with the existing rocks. There is no inner support or framing in the walls so rock placement and concrete seams are crucial. Sam was on site while the new stone gables were being constructed. He noticed that the more white, fossilized rocks were not in mix, so he hiked up the rocky hills behind the schoolhouse and threw eight fossilized stones over the fence for Rosalio to add to the mix. Finally, he remembered that Nannie(his grandmother) had one on her porch, which was placed near the top center of the front gable.

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^ Double sided rock wall with no interior support
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^ Rock laying on May 6, 2021
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^ May 6, 2021
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^ May 15, 2021

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